ONLINE AUCTION (private appointment viewing) Antiques & Interiors: Books,Vintage,Sporting,Jewellery,Silver,Collectors,Pictures,Furniture,Rugs

492 items 492 items
Auction closed
room Nr Highworth, Swindon

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ONLINE AUCTION (private appointment viewing) Antiques & Interiors: Books,Vintage,Sporting,Jewellery,Silver,Collectors,Pictures,Furniture,Rugs

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Currency: GBP
Buyer's premium Inc. VAT/sales tax: 24.00%
Online commission inc. VAT/sales tax: 5.94%

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492 items
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Modern dapple grey traditional rocking horse, 129cm High at ear tips CONDITION: some cracking to body finish - see images. (Information for all Bu...

Pewter pouring tankard, with inscription to body and marks stamped to underrim; hip flask, harmonica, a doll and large leather back support belt ...

Adana printing press and wooden fitted case of print letters, and instructions, manuals etc CONDITION all worn, as seen. Purchaser please note He...

Ornate heavy iron fire grate   widest point 91cm, and depth front to back 38cm, and the height , 47cm.  PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ONLY....

Set of Richters Anchor building blocks in a fitted wooden box with original architectural paperwork CONDITION: Looks near complete some damage to ...

Modern violin in black wooden case - 1 piece maple back and ribs, carved head after Steiner PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ONLY. COLLECTIONS...

Cello - well made German or English, brown varnish over golden ground, finely grained front, finely flamed 2 piece back, similar ribs. Extensive ...
